Monday, March 9, 2009

bruins are not playing well...but who is?

A quick post to point out Scott Cullen's weekly Power Rankings article on the TSN page.

I like Scott Cullen for his "off-season game plan" pieces, but in this article, he points out something very important about the Bruins' play of late: they may not be playing very well, but thanks to equally terrible play by New Jersey, Washington, San Jose and the Red Wings, the Bruins retain their first-overall position.

Small victories (when other victories seem hard to come by).


mark said...

It's not just that other teams aren't playing well - the Bruins built up a huge point lead by losing every 15th game in the first half. Give them the credit!

Of course, the Habs will be no match should the Bs play them since now, none of their coaches are francophone.

The Editor said...

ha ha!

i actually have been wondering how habs fans see the carbo firing, given that gainey did the same thing to claude julien a few years ago. he also had a winning record and the habs have still not won the cup, despite this sure-fire technique.

i find the whole thing hilarious. it was front page news for about 4 days.